About this blog
Hey, welcome to my blog. Thanks for stopping by. My blog is divided into three sections, each with its own RSS feed. You can find info about me here.
You can contact me by tooting at @Optional@dice.camp, messaging me via SimpleX, or shooting me an email.
Under the section /books you'll find reviews of books. Any book I review, I have read in full. The reviews will have a pithy teaser followed by a more thorough examination of the book, which will hopefully make transparent how I arrive at my conclusion.
We all have got many books on our reading list, so I try to be very harsh in my thumbs up or thumbs down verdict. Thumbs down does not mean it's necessarily bad, just that it's not special enough to go out of your way to read it. Thumbs up, on the other hand, is a serious recommendation.
Under the section /fiction you'll find my fiction writing. It's all flash fiction (around 350 words) for now.
Everything that does not fit in the above sections ends up in /misc. That's posts on media or films, tech, pen and paper, etc.
This is just a small summary of what I've been up to and what I am doing /now. Not as immediate and temporary as social media, but more big picture, like what you’d tell a friend you hadn’t seen in a year.
The /uses page lists hardware and software I'm using. It's not a complete list, of course. But it's pretty expansive and maybe you'll find a cool new app or service to check out.
If you want to know how this website is made, you can read about it on the /colophon.