How to Respond to Code of Conduct Reports | Valerie Aurora, Mary Gardiner

Thumbs upGood starting point and reference

I never really got what a Code of Conduct is and what it can achieve. While the meat of this book is how to respond to violations it also quickly lays out what a CoC is, what it's for, when it's good to have one (always) and the main things to keep in mind when writing one. Overall, it made me excited to work on getting a CoC implemented in my communities and appreciate the value a CoC can have.

One slight gripe I had with this book is the middle chapter. It lays out how to deal with different cases one might encounter, like dealing with abusers with social awkwardness or mental health issues etc. This part got too slow and uninteresting for me, because there's a lot of repetition and it didn't all feel relevant for a general read. I'd recommend only reading as far as you like in that section and then move on to the next chapter. As a reference it is of course important to list all these cases.

You can get it for free here.

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