On “Egg” | 2023-11-14
I wanted to write something sci-fi. I played with the idea of some laser pistol battle, but I feel like I've done a lot of violence in the recent stories already. Limiting myself to one character was the obvious choice then. Originally I did not have Chev's obsession with the egg as a through-line. She had gotten the egg, put it on the scanner and then it would only be mentioned again in the end with the scan results. In my head it was ambiguous what kind of egg it might be. But when I had to put in some scan results I started out with “97% edible” and thought that wasn't enough of a result so I also added the weight. From that I spun out into Chev maybe also wanting to eat the egg, but to really sell that idea I had to seed it earlier as well. I get the feeling that all my stories have some humorous (or at least silly) undertones, but with writing every day it's tough to find the time to think about this kind of stuff more deeply. I'll have to make some time after I'm done with the month to reflect on what I can take away from it all.