On “Mike” | 2023-11-06
Okay, that date is a lie. I wrote it on the 7th. But I'm catching up. There's two pieces in this text that are autobiographical. For one, the opening sentence. I got that greeting yesterday when I went to some store. The second one is my difficult-to-control urge to reply with “Anyways isn't a word.” which has burned itself into my mind after encountering the following joke somewhere on the internet:
Therapist: Anyways, let's talk about your problem with making friends. Me: 'Anyways' isn't a word.
I like writing (or playing) characters that are socially incompetent and extremely awkward. That's definitely also something that I've identified with in the past, but thankfully gotten over somewhat. I wanted the narrator to take Mike's perspective, but I'm unsure how well it works to have all his thoughts in the narration without being put in inverted commas or having them otherwise be differentiated.