On “The Cracked Egg” | 2023-11-18
Another instance of that date being a lie. Yesterday was busy, so I actually wrote this story on the 19th. The inspiration for this story came from the latest episode of The Flop House (#409) where they made some reference to an egg that played music when cracked. It was just one of the many off-hand jokes that don't go anywhere, but the idea tickled me. The second inspiration is that one Black Mirror Christmas episode where a guy has to listen to “I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday” for an eternity. I selected Adele's “Hello” for this story, because I've actually listened to that song on repeat for a couple of weeks, about 2.000 times total, which sums to more than 150 hours. It's a good song. It's a shame that I already had an egg story simply called “Egg”. Made me have to come up with another (in my opinion worse) title.